Devorah Tarrow, Aesthetic Realism consultant, writes:
A matter close to every woman is going to be taken up and explained newly at the Understanding Marriage! class on Saturday, October 14: “A Wife’s Insistence: What Makes It Right or Wrong?” Taught by Aesthetic Realism consultants Barbara Allen, Anne Fielding, and Meryl Nietsch-Cooperman, the class, which will take place from 11:00 AM to12:30 PM, is open to all women.
At the heart of what each woman will be learning is this statement by Eli Siegel, founder of Aesthetic Realism: “Marriage is a means for liking the world through a person. Too often, though, marriage is a contemptuous exclusion of the world.” And at the October 14th event, these great sentences from Mr. Siegel’s lecture Mind and Insistence will be discussed:
Insistence is what we all do. Like other aspects of mind, it can be good and bad. We have a possibility of insistence on having our way and to hell with everything else. We have also the insistence which is a good thing: on liking ourselves and understanding things.
A wife can insist on an attitude that she has to her husband, and an attitude her husband should have to her. We need to understand how we can insist on something which is as necessary as a hole in the head.
In the class—which will include lively cultural instances—women will be seeing what Aesthetic Realism explains: the decisive thing in what makes insistence right or wrong is one’s purpose. Does our insistence arise from a desire to respect a person and the world, or to have contempt—feel superior as we manage them to have our own way?
The exciting education in this class is a means for a marriage to become fresh, truly romantic, and kind!
The fee for the class is $10. For more information, call 212.777.4490.