Leila Rosen, Aesthetic Realism associate, writes about this upcoming Public Seminar:
People are told we should like ourselves, have self-esteem—simply because we’re ourselves. So why don’t we? What makes us feel—sometimes sharply, sometimes vaguely—that we don’t like ourselves, that we’re not how we want to be? And what can change this? Aesthetic Realism logically and kindly answers both questions, as this exciting seminar will show.
Consultants Arnold Perey, Bennett Cooperman, and Robert Murphy—authorities on men’s lives—will tell what they’ve learned about this great subject and now teach other men. You’ll see that what Aesthetic Realism explains is new, and TRUE. For example, its founder, Eli Siegel, writes in Self and World: “To love ourselves really we have to love and want to know outside reality; that is, the outside form of ourselves, or the world.”
The speakers will make that fact clear through instances from world culture, their own lives, and the magnificently successful education taking place in Aesthetic Realism consultations. You’ll see how, through this education, people come to like themselves honestly through learning to see what’s not themselves with justice that’s real and alive.
Don’t miss this event!
Contri. $10
Aesthetic Realism Foundation
141 Greene Street
New York, NY