Leila Rosen, Aesthetic Realism associate, writes about this upcoming Public Seminar:
Imagination has made for some of the greatest expression in art and life. But people also use their imagination in ways that are hurtful and mean. This seminar, presented by Aesthetic Realism consultant Dale Laurin and associates Edward Green and Steven Weiner, will have clarity, depth, and, yes, humor, about a beautiful and urgent matter. They’ll show: Aesthetic Realism explains something not understood before, that there are two kinds of imagination—good and bad—and it explains the difference between these!
You’ll learn what that difference is as Mr. Laurin, Dr. Green, and Mr. Weiner speak about their own lives, and about noted men in the arts—architecture, music, and painting. And they’ll tell about the education men today are getting in Aesthetic Realism consultations, and how it enables a person to have imagination that’s just to the world—the imagination that makes one proud!
Contri. $10