Professionals in many fields, including education, the arts, business, labor, civil rights, and healthcare, have written about the vital importance of Aesthetic Realism for people everywhere. For a selection of recent articles on civil rights, and the Aesthetic Realism teaching method, click here. On the economy, world events, and more—click here.
Here you can also read many historic articles, letters, columns, op-ed pieces from the thousands published in the last decades:
ON EDUCATION. Teachers describe how the Aesthetic Realism Teaching Method enables students to learn with unparalleled success.
RACISM. On the cause of prejudice and racism, as explained by Aesthetic Realism.
WAR & PEACE. International authors write on what is necessary for peace to be—study of the fight in every person and in nations between contempt and respect.
LOVE & the FAMILY. What is love, really, and how can it succeed? What would it mean to see the people close to us with greater depth and kindness?
- Is the desire to see meaning in the world and people as strong at 90 as it was in childhood?
- What do young people hope for most? —And, what can stop the anger and violence in our schools?
- What is true strength in a man? What kind of power does he want?
- How do we interfere with our own self-expression? In particular, is there a cause of stuttering that is within oneself?
- What explains the eating disorders, anorexia and bulimia? Do they arise from a young woman’s attitude to the world?
- And—why has there been intense anger, or “road rage,” on our highways?
ART & LIFE. Professionals and scholars in the visual arts, architecture, film, drama, photography, poetry, literature, music explain how the oneness of opposites makes for beauty, and the vital importance of art in answering the questions of people’s lives.
WKCR interview of Eli Siegel on “The World of Art” conducted by Peter Gorlin (Columbia University) in three parts:
Part I: The Intrepid As Contemporary
Part II: What Is Aesthetic Realism
Part III “Somewhere This”: About It
Other important writings on Eli Siegel and his work:
- The New York Times Book Review, March 23, 1969, by Kenneth Rexroth
- Greenwich Village Weekly News, 1933, no. 3, “Village Portraits—Eli Siegel,” by J. Dosbriora Irwin
- The SUN Baltimore, MD, Thursday, April 25, 2002, by Rob Hiaasen, SUN STAFF
- The Washington Post, Washington, DC, August 16, 1978 by Michael Kernan
- The Evening Sun, Baltimore, MD, Wednesday, July 28, 1982, by James H. Bready
- New Mexico Quarterly, August 17, 1957, “Whole in Brightness,” by Walter Leuba
- Smithsonian Book Review, February, 1982, by Linda Ann Kunz
- Saturday Review, August 17, 1957, Selden Rodman
- newsART—The Smith, by William Packard
- Letter by Ralph Hattersley, critic of photography
- Letter by William Carlos Williams, American poet