Nancy Huntting, Aesthetic Realism consultant, writes: The new issue of TRO has an irresistible and urgent title: “The Kindness of Art.” What does it mean to see in a way that’s kind—solidly kind? Does art show that kindness is not some soupy thing but is powerful, terrifically accurate self-expression? Yes! In this issue you’ll meet… Read more
Jeffrey Carduner, Aesthetic Realism consultant, writes: Is there such a thing as a best way of seeing what we don’t like, what’s confusing and disorderly? And what does true poetry, including the poetry of Stephen Crane, author of The Red Badge of Courage, have to do with honestly making sense of our world? The knowledge that awaits you… Read more
Christopher Balchin, educator and Aesthetic Realism associate, writes: When I first read “It Will Be Annabel November,” I was amazed, and stirred to my depths. This greatly musical poem by Eli Siegel is about a woman and her relation to a wide and ever-changing world, as represented by the month of November. In his note… Read more
Steve Weiner, computer specialist and Aesthetic Realism associate, writes: Is there such a thing as the “Real Thing” in poetry? What is it, and why is it hugely different from verse that’s not truly poetic? You’ll learn why Aesthetic Realism sees it as crucial for a person’s life to understand the distinction. (A big reason… Read more
Nancy Huntting, Aesthetic Realism consultant, writes: “What Kind of World Is It?” is the title of the new issue of TRO. That important question has an answer—an urgently needed and thrilling answer—given mightily here! With all there is in the world to rightly be against—you’ll learn how all true poetry, all true art, shows the world… Read more
Carol McCluer, actor, training specialist, and Aesthetic Realism associate, writes: What makes a person successful?—getting a promotion at work, a bigger home, an expensive car? In my own life, after getting many of the things I thought I wanted, including singing and acting professionally, and getting the flattering attentions of various men, I was disappointed… Read more
Jeffrey Carduner, Aesthetic Realism consultant, writes: The new issue of The Right of Aesthetic Realism to Be Known will move and inspire you. “Real Criticism Is Love for the World” is its bold title. And you’ll see how true—and urgent for our lives—is the statement which is that title! This TRO describes richly and deeply what authentic… Read more
Steve Weiner, computer specialist and Aesthetic Realism associate, writes: This new issue of TRO does something magnificent: it shows what we most want for our lives. And it does this through a landmark discussion, by Eli Siegel, of one of the world’s great literary critics, William Hazlitt! You’ll learn what in ourselves interferes with our… Read more
Devorah Tarrow, Aesthetic Realism consultant and sociologist, says: How can we really like ourselves, feel confident and proud? This is what Nancy Huntting was beginning to learn in her first Aesthetic Realism consultation. Consultations are the magnificent education in which women and men learn what it means to like the world and themselves on an… Read more
Nancy Huntting , Aesthetic Realism consultant, writes: The new issue of TRO, “Authentic Criticism,” is thrilling about both literary criticism and criticism in life itself. You’ll learn how important, kind, and beautiful true criticism is—and also what in us interferes with our hope to see accurately ourselves and other people and things. Some of the… Read more
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