The People of Clarendon County

THE PEOPLE OF CLARENDON COUNTY—A Play by Ossie Davis with Photographs & Historical Documents, & Essays on the Education That Can End Racism
Edited by Alice Bernstein
This play is about the parents in South Carolina who risked their lives to file the first legal challenge to segregation in public schools. Their case led to Brown v. Board of Education and the historic 1954 Supreme Court decision outlawing segregation. The book includes biographical information on Ossie Davis; photographs; accounts of the civil rights struggle; and essays, based on the philosophy Aesthetic Realism, which explain the cause of and answer to racism. Ruby Dee, Academy Award Nominee, says of Alice Bernstein and this book:
“In her commitment to telling the story of the civil rights struggles…Alice uncovered the play, ‘The People of Clarendon County.’…It moved my husband to think that fifty years later, school children might learn about history by reading or acting in his play.
“In addition, Alice’s book will also inform people about the success of the Aesthetic Realism Teaching Method in enabling children to learn every subject, and ending prejudice in the classroom.”
Paper $14.95
ISBN-10: 0-88378-287-1; ISBN-13: 978-0-88378-287-3