With the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom

WITH THE MARCH ON WASHINGTON FOR JOBS AND FREEDOM, August 28, 1963, Impressions of America on Its Way
by Nat Herz
In August 1963, eminent photographer Nat Herz (1920-1964) took part in and photographed the great March on Washington. Nat Herz was also a true poet, and a student of Aesthetic Realism. This book of photographs and powerful, often musical prose has now been published by Gangemi Editore, under the supervision of Nat Herz’s wife, Barbara Singer.
The book’s Foreword is by the Rev. Dr. Joseph E. Lowery (1921-2020), a founder—with Martin Luther King, Jr., and others—of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, and its president from 1977 to 1997.
The Introduction is by Clayola Brown, President of the A. Philip Randolph Institute; and Civil, Human and Women’s Rights Director for the AFL-CIO. She says:
“Herz was a civil rights advocate and a student of Aesthetic Realism, the philosophy founded by the great poet, critic, and humanitarian Eli Siegel. He photographed and wrote about the March in such a way that we see and think about it as it really was. . . . We see people’s faces, buildings they passed, streets and land they walked on. . . . Herz’s inclusion of quotes from Walt Whitman, Eli Siegel, and Vachel Lindsay and other great poets, adds to our understanding of the March vividly and profoundly. This book is important.”
Paper $30.00
ISBN 978-88-492-4030-6