Quintillions, By Robert Clairmont, with a new introduction by Ellen Reiss

QUINTILLIONS by Robert Clairmont
With a New Introduction by Ellen Reiss
First issued in 1928 in a limited edition of 500 copies. Reviewed then by Conrad Aiken, who said of it: “An unusually delightful book…carries humor into poetry unruffled, with all its wings and feathers. It is humor, and yet, because (precisely) it has this vox, this odd something-or-other, this bloom of innocence of the sly, this consciously bright air of always stopping (or frequently, not to flatter the author too much) at the point of maximum suggestion, it is poetry.”
“The poetry of Robert Clairmont is wild and exact,” Ellen Reiss writes, “It has yearning and toughness, humor and depth. It is POETRY—the real, honest, musical thing.”
- Read Ellen Reiss’s introduction, which includes discussions by Eli Siegel of two of Clairmont’s poems.
Paper $15.00
ISBN 0-9776588-0-5